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Call for consultancy - End of project Evaluation of the Integrated & Climate Smart Innovations for Agro-pastoralist economies and Landscapes in Kenya’s ASAL (ICSIAPL) Project.

Nairobi Nairobi County Kenya
Company Description

About SNV: In a world that is fast changing and facing increased challenges from pandemics to environmental crises, and low access to energy, food, feed, and water, SNV wants to see all people live with dignity and have fair opportunities to thrive sustainably in every society. This is achieved through strengthening capacities and catalyzing partnerships that can transform the interconnected agri-food, energy, and water systems. SNV implements projects that directly benefit millions of people across Africa and Asia. We have a team of over 1,600 staff who are dedicated to ensuring projects contribute to true systems transformation while promoting gender equality and social inclusion, facilitating climate adaptation and mitigation, and strengthening institutions for effective governance.

About Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO):

In implementing the second Medium-Term Plan (MTP), the Kenya government reformed the national agricultural research system by creating the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) as a body corporate under the KALRO Act of 2013. This is aimed at restructuring agricultural and livestock research into a dynamic, innovative, responsive, and well-coordinated system driven by a common vision and goal. Through its institutional framework, KALRO encourages, streamlines, coordinates, and regulates crop, livestock, genetic resources, and biotechnology research in Kenya. In addition, it promotes equitable access to research information, resources, and technology and promotes the application of research findings and technology in the field of agriculture. KALRO constitute 17 research institutes strategically located throughout the country to undertake its mandate. The ICSIAPL project is domiciled at KALRO Kiboko Institute. This Arid and Range Lands Research Institute focuses in developing, adapting, and up-scaling scientific research innovations, information and knowledge geared towards sustainably managing the livelihoods of communities living in arid and semi-arid lands.

2.0 Background to ICSIAPL project

About Integrated & Climate Smart Innovations for Agro-Pastoralist Economies and Landscapes in Kenya’s ASALs (ICSIAPL): SNV Kenya and KALRO in collaboration with County Governments - are implementing the Integrated & Climate Smart Innovations for Agro-Pastoralists Economies and Landscapes Kenya’s ASAL project (ICSIAPL). The project is implemented under the EU’s Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) action. The project’s lifetime is from 1st January 2021 – 30th June 2024. The project works in the Counties of Narok, Kajiado and Taita Taveta and is funded by the European Union and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The project applies research towards building more resilient and market-based solutions for improved forage production and livestock husbandry through climate smart innovations and sustainable landscape management. The overall objective of the project is to enhance livelihoods of agro-pastoralists communities through improved forage production and livestock husbandry, building on commercialisation of climate smart innovations and sustainable landscape management. The project has defined three interrelated strategic outcomes, which are aligned with the three main pillars of the EU’s DeSIRA initiative:

Research applied and commercialised: Increased resilience of agro-pastoralists and SMEs against climate shocks by the adoption of technology and upscaling of appropriate grazing and feeding innovations.

Capacities strengthened, and coordination realised: capacity of county governments and other stakeholders improved in planning, implementation and coordination of integrated landscape and grazing management and drought resilient livestock feeding strategies.

Policies applied, and strategies developed: county governments better able to domesticate national policies and develop local strategies/frameworks for drought resilient livestock sector development.

3.0 Project objectives

Based on the EU’s DeSIRA initiative, ICSIAPL project was research oriented and aimed at achieving 4 key objectives:

Outcome 1: Ensured coordination and good management practices in the design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and learning to achieve the envisaged objectives and results of the project.

The evaluator will assess the results on indicators related to institutional and stakeholder partnerships in relation to structural design and context of the project.

Outcome 2: Increased resilience of agro-pastoralists and private sector actors against climate shocks by upscaling of appropriate grazing and feeding innovations.

The evaluator will assess the extent to which the project has increased resilience of agro-pastoralists and SMEs against climate shocks by up-scaling of appropriate grazing and feeding innovations with key focus on productivity, business models, and beneficiary adoption rates.

Outcome 3: Increased capacity of county governments to implement climate resilient Integrated Landscape Management strategies and plans to support agropastoral communities.

The evaluator will assess the county governments’ capacity in ILM and grazing plans strategy development with focus on embedding county institutional structures within and across counties, implementation plans, enforcement, and partnership with grassroots organizations e.g., WRUAs, Conservancies, Cooperatives and Group ranches.

Outcome 4: Improved capacity of county governments to develop local strategies/frameworks for drought resilient sector development compliant with national policies.

The evaluator will assess the capacity of county governments to comply with national policies and development of local strategies on drought resilience with focus on policy/strategy development processes within the wider framework of both national and county governments’ climate, forage, agriculture, and livestock sector initiatives.

Job Description

4.0 Scope of end term evaluation

The evaluation will assess implementation of the ICSIAPL project throughout its cycle covering the period from January 2021 to June 2025. It will focus on evaluating the sustainability and impact of results achieved and their contribution to resilience strengthening, placing emphasis on key intervention approaches employed by the project. This will include but not limited to key themes -resilience, institutional frameworks, coordination mechanisms, climate-smart innovations and county communication plans.

At the inception phase the evaluator will seek to determine positive and negative aspects that were crucial for project success, while in the other phases the evaluator will strive to establish results at outcome, and impact levels. The evaluation will assess the extent to which the project has successfully mainstreamed project priorities, including resilience building, improved business leadership for women and youth, landscape level and SMEs governance, and county government strategies while documenting conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations.

5.0 Purpose and Scope of the Evaluation

Purpose: The primary purpose of this evaluation is to assess the impact, and sustainability thereof, of ICSIAPL in line with project objectives and targets; and level of attribution/contribution of intervention design and implementation strategies. The evaluation will seek to generate evidence-based and participatory recommendations to inform, resource mobilisation, design and implementation of future resilience projects based on livestock and rangeland management activities in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs). It will also generate learning on how innovative partnership approaches like DeSIRA can deliver last mile research-based innovations to rural communities hence supporting the country to enhance self-reliance and resilience of its people. The evaluation will serve as an important accountability tool for project stakeholders, as well as an important learning tool for future program designs. Finally, evaluation is considered as a significant opportunity to provide donors, government, and project partners with an independent assessment of relevance and progress in achievement of outcomes with the assumptions being tested and validated.

6.0 Key Evaluation Questions

The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct the final evaluation of “Integrated & Climate Smart Innovations for Agro-Pastoralists Economies and Landscapes Kenya’s ASAL project (ICSIAPL)”. The final evaluation will apply the following OECD-DAC evaluation criteria:

Relevance: Are the project outcomes consistent with the national priorities, SNV and donor corporate priorities, and did they remain relevant over time? Specific questions under this evaluation criterium are:

To assess the extent to which the project design is appropriate to the ASALs context including deriving conclusions on the effectiveness of the design.

Efficiency: To what extent was best value-for-money obtained (results delivered vs resources expended)? Specific questions under this evaluation criterium are:

To assess the effectiveness of the partnerships of the project in so far as coordination, management and institutional strengthening are concerned. This will include project governance and the delegated coorporation mechanisms of the EU and member states.
To examine the efficacy of the risks and assumptions embedded in Theory of Change of the ICSIAPL project.

Effectiveness: To what extent were the objectives achieved based on approved results framework? What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives? Results/ Outcomes/ Impact: What are the positive and negative, and foreseen and unforeseen, changes and effects driven by project-supported interventions? Results include direct project outputs, short-to medium term outcomes, and longer-term potential impact including national benefits, scalable effects, and other local effects. Specific questions under this evaluation criterium are:

Scope selected strategic topics that important with regard sustainability, impact and resilience.
To assess overall, achievements and detailed results of the project during the whole project period based on results framework, including the needs and problems identified during project design, in terms of expected impacts.
To assess the extent to which gender mainstreaming interventions resulted in women and youth empowerment, employment creation and leadership development.

Sustainability: Counties’ ownership of the results and the likely ability of project-supported interventions to continue to deliver benefits for an extended period after completion. Assess project’s role in influencing wider policy at county and national level and to what extent benefits of project intervention will continue or are likely to continue based on existing enabling environment. Specific questions under this evaluation criterium are:

To determine the extent to which ICSIAPL has established sustainable, commercially viable scalable business models in the forage and livestock value chains.
To assess the extent to which project interventions collectively enhanced resilience of communities and businesses to climate shocks
To assess the effectiveness of capacity building to county government staff in terms of policy and strategy development for key themes including integrated landscape management, communication for behavioural change and policy formulation and evidence-based advocacy.
To draw lessons learned and good practices for replication and up-scaling and to provide forward-looking recommendations for future programming in ASALs. Conclusions, Lessons, and Recommendations: Based on the findings of the project evaluation:
Draw major conclusions regarding all evaluated areas (in terms of a reasoned judgment related to what happened in the project) hence providing crosscutting recommendations, and targeted recommendations for identified project stakeholders
What are the main lessons that have emerged in terms of what works well / what does not work well and why?
What are the actionable recommendations for similar projects/practices in the future?
How are the results of this evaluation compared to those of the Mid Term Evaluation and the Results Oriented Monitoring?

7.0 Evaluation Approach and Methodology

The evaluation consultant is expected to propose and determine a sound evaluation design and methodology (including detailed methodology to answer each evaluation question) and submit it to SNV together with the inception report following a review of all key relevant documents and meetings with representatives of SNV and its partners. It is suggested that the evaluation should use a mixed method approach – collecting and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data using multiple sources to draw valid and evidence-based findings, conclusions, and practical recommendations. The evaluator is expected to review all relevant reports providing quantitative data collected by ICSIAPL project. Data and evidence will be triangulated to address evaluation questions. As the ICSIAPL project is research-oriented, final evaluation will also investigate the project’s impact on adoption of innovations which could be attributable to project’s interventions. This requires robust evaluation methodology and analytical framework using both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

The evaluation consultant is expected to propose an appropriate methodology in the inception report. Final decisions about the specific design and methods for the evaluation will be made through consultations with the ICSIAPL project management team about what is appropriate and feasible to meet the evaluation purpose and objectives as well as answer the evaluation questions, given limitations of budget, time and data. The data collection process should be participatory engaging county government officials, implementing and donor partners, key stakeholders and a wide cross-section of staff and beneficiaries incorporating gender equity approach.

The evaluator is expected to formulate the evaluation assignment using the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact, as defined, and explained in the DCED standard and provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable, and useful.

8.0 Audience

The clients and users of this end term evaluation include ICSIAPL project team, SNV Country management, project steering committee at the national and county government levels, project donors (European Union and the Dutch Government) and project participants (agro-pastrolists, SMEs, conservancies, and ranches). The evaluator is expected to use participatory approaches ensuring close engagement with county government, KALRO, SNV project team, beneficiaries (making provisions for women and youth), SMEs, and other relevant stakeholders.

The evaluator is expected to conduct a field mission in the three counties and specific sites where the project interventions have been implemented with a suitable sampling methodology employed. The ICSIAPL project database shall be used as primary source document. The evaluator shall identify and utilise suitable data collection methodologies. Relevant sources of information, such as the project document, logical framework, project reports including annual narrative and financial reports for 2021, 2023 and 2024 will be reviewed.

The evaluator will analyse the data and prepare a report according to an outline prescribed by SNV. In addition to the report, the analysis shall be presented in DCED standard matrixes which shall be presented as annexes to the report: (1) Evaluation questions matrix and (2) Evaluation criteria ranking.

Implementation arrangements

The main responsibility for managing this evaluation lies with SNV Kenya. SNV will contract the evaluator and provide relevant documents. The project team will be responsible for liaising with the evaluator to set up stakeholder interviews, arrange field visits, coordinate with the Government. The evaluator is expected to make own logistical arrangements for all field travels, etc. The responsibility for coordination of the evaluation resides with the project manager.

Time Frame

The evaluation expected to be conducted between Mid-April 2024 to mid of May 2024, with a final report expected by end of May 2024. The evaluator is required to develop a reasonable work plan of the planned activities, including proposed number of days aligned to the budget.


The following are the key outputs for this assignment:

Inception report: should be a maximum of 10 pages, detailing the methodology/approach to be used; checklist for document reviews, the schedule of activities; the tools for data collection and workplan.
Draft end term report: should be logically structured, contains evidence-based findings, lessons, conclusions, and recommendations devoid of irrelevant information to the overall evaluation. The report should respond in detail to the specific evaluation questions described and should be maximum of 20 pages exclusive of annexes.
Validation: Powerpoint presentation highlighting key findings for review and validation by the project teams/stakeholders in a workshop.
F inal report, including summarized findings with key recommendations presented in pdf and word soft copies and 4 printed and well bound copies.

12.0 Ethical considerations

The evaluation team will safeguard the rights and confidentiality of information providers, interviewees, and stakeholders by ensuring compliance with legal provisions and codes governing collection and reporting of data. The evaluator and team will agree to sign data processing agreement which shall be provided by SNV.

Evaluation team will ensure security of information of this assignment in accordance with GDPR compliance. The information, knowledge and data gathered in this process must also be solely used for the evaluation and not for other uses. Where video coverage and photo shooting are involved, informed consent must be signed.



A master’s degree in the field of economics, livestock production, NRM/range management, or other closely related fields.
Over 10 years of experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis in areas of value chain analysis, result-based management evaluation methodologies.
Knowledge of climate smart and or resilience building programs with measurement of resilience sensitive indicators.
Experience applying SMART indicators and reconstructing or validating baseline scenarios; competence in adaptive management as applied to integrated landscape management, fodder, beef, and dairy value chain development with market systems approach.
Experience in conducting EU, DGIS funded project surveys including household studies, agricultural value chain analyses, Mid-term, and End term evaluations especially in ASALs contexts.
Experience in implementing evaluations with field logistics and guiding enumerators to assure high quality data as an asset.
SNV uses LogAlto as an offline data collection tool and the consultant is expected to use this tool. SNV will provide access at no cost to the consultant.


The following are required from the consultancy firm in response to this ToR as a basis for evaluation and selection of the suitable consultant:

A technical and financial proposal
CV(s) of the firms lead consultant and support or technical staff/consultant to be engaged.
Reference list of previous clients and a sample final report for the same
Company registration certificate
Local office operating license
Tax compliance certificate and PIN

How to apply

SNV is an equal opportunity employer, and this position is available for filling at the earliest possible opportunity. Interested firms should apply through the smart recruiter’s portal and technical and financial proposals should be sent by email to [email protected] and should be received by Thursday 6th March 2025 to 1700hrs (EAT) with the subject line “Call for consultancy - End of project Evaluation of the Integrated & Climate Smart Innovations for Agro-pastoralist economies and Landscapes in Kenya’s ASAL (ICSIAPL) Project.

Complete TOR HERE.

Additional Information

NB: only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


SNV reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications submitted. SNV can stop this procurement at any time without the need to explain or extend the deadline for submission once it sees fit. In case you do not hear from SNV within three weeks of the closure of the application process, consider yourself unsuccessful. SNV also reserves the right to reject and cancel this call-in in case any illegal, corrupt, coercive, or collusive practices are noticed. Late applications will be rejected. Please note that viewing, downloading or otherwise using the TOR constitutes acceptance on your part of all the above-noted statements and conditions.

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