UNDP-GEF Limpopo Project: Internship - Administrative Assistant

Maputo, Maputo, Mozambique


UNDP-GEF Limpopo Project

Position: Internship - Administrative Assistant 


1.0 Background


The Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM) was established in 2003 to manage the shared transboundary waters of the Limpopo River Basin (LRB), the secretariate is currently based in Maputo City, Rua da Imprensa nr.162. The LRB covers four riparian countries, the Republics of Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe - with an estimated catchment area of 412,000 km². The river flows to the northeast from South Africa, where it creates the border between South Africa and Botswana and then the border between South Africa and Zimbabwe, before crossing into Mozambique and draining into the Indian Ocean. The distance from the confluence of the Marico and Crocodile Rivers in South Africa to the Indian Ocean at Xai-Xai in Mozambique is estimated at 1,750 km.


The LRB is home to an estimated 18 million people in the four riparian states and is expected to be over 20 million in 2040. The basin’s population expansion is attributed to natural population growth estimated at around 2.3 per cent per year, as well as urban and transboundary migration, especially in Botswana and South Africa. The threats to the socio-economic and environmental services of the Limpopo River Basin, and their immediate underlying causes, can be summarized as follows:


-             Increasing water scarcity and hydrological variability, exacerbated by climate change

-             Water quality degradation

-             Land degradation

-             Increasing pressures on groundwater resources


Improved water resource management, including the equitable allocation of water between upstream and downstream areas and among urban and rural users, is a critical challenge for the future development of the Limpopo River Basin.


The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1996 to support countries in their efforts to implement more equitable and sustainable management of their water resources. The network spans 13 regions with 2,400 institutional Partners in 158 countries. The global secretariat is in Stockholm, Sweden. The GWP Africa Coordination Unit is based at GWP Southern Africa in Pretoria, South Africa and coordinates GWP Africa programmes across Africa. Also, GWPSA hosts the GWP global theme on Climate resilience and is charged with providing global strategic leadership and coordination of the implementation of the GWP strategy on climate resilience.



2.0  The Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basin (“The UNDP-GEF Limpopo project”)


The UNDP-GEF Limpopo project is supported by the UNDP as the GEF Implementation Agency and GWPSA as the Executing Agency seeks to achieve integrated, cross-sectoral, ecosystem-based management of the Limpopo River to uplift the living standards of the basin’s population and conserve the basin’s resources and ecosystem services.


The project aims to undertake a suite of activities designed to strengthen joint management and planning capacity and practices at the transboundary basin level. These activities will be implemented under five (5) project components:  


Component 1: strengthening the capacities of LIMCOM Member States and the LIMCOM Secretariat to support IWRM implementation at the basin level. 


Component 2: addressing critical information gaps that prevent effective IWRM implementation; developing information management tools to consolidate information and present it to policymakers and other audiences to raise awareness of issues critical to the sustainable management of the Limpopo River Basin. 


Component 3: carrying out a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis - Strategic Action Program (SAP) process to build trust among countries through joint development of information, approaches and strategies.


Component 4:  implementing pilot sustainable land management activities with the goal of reducing land degradation and demonstrating the link between SLM activities and reduced sedimentation, as well as promoting the replication of land degradation control activities in the basin; and, 


Component 5: supporting knowledge exchange with other RBOs in the region to support the effective and efficient delivery of project results and community–based strategies.




GWPSA seeks to hire one intern under the UNDP-GEF-LIMPOPO project. The intern will be stationed in Maputo City.


The UNDP-GEF-LIMPOPO Intern will support successful implementation of the project, working closely with the Project Implementation Unit (PMU) and the secretariate and will support project activities by contributing to specific deliverables as agreed with the programme/project leaders. Specific duties will include:


●        To provide administrative support to ensure efficient operations at LIMCOM Office;

●        Support the secretariate and Project Management Unit through a variety of tasks related to organization and communication;

●        Provide support to the meetings, workshops, conferences, trainings organized and support stakeholder initiatives within the LIMCOM basin and other administrative support;

●        To support on preparation of budgets and reports;

●        At the end of the internship, the following outputs will be expected:

o    Overall report on the experiences gained, challenges faced, and reflections on areas that need improvement for managing future internship. The report should contain reflections and recommendations of possible solutions to any challenges that they would have been exposed to.

o    An internship certificate will be provided by GWP and its collaborating partners under the UNDP-GEF LIMPOPO project, along with an official letter of recommendation.



●        Possess a high school  certificate or equivalent;

●        Knowledge of office management systems and procedures;

●        Proficient in MS Office

●        Excellent time management skills and ability to multi-task and prioritize work;

●        Attention to detail and problem-solving skills

●        Strong organizational and planning skills;

●        Have some understanding of transboundary water resources management, gender, social inclusion, water security, climate change, environmental management, and climate change adaptation;

●        Be fluent in Portuguese and English;

●        Should not be more than 35 years of age.




The duration for the internships will be a maximum of 6 months renewable once and starting from 1st March 2025.




GWPSA will provide a monthly stipend of US$500 to interns to cover expenses associated with the internship. Direct costs linked to participation in project activities will be covered by GWPSA. Interns are entirely responsible for their own living costs such as accommodation, groceries and health insurance.



The interns must keep confidential any and all unpublished information made known during the course of the internship and not publish any reports or paper on the basis of information obtained except with the written approval and authorization of GWPSA.




Interested candidates should send a one-page motivation letter as well as a curriculum vitae to: gwpsaprocurement@gwp.org and cc to andre.nhampossa@gwpsaf.org.


Any application queries must be raised before 5pm on 18 February 2025 and should be directed to the above email addresses which meet the GWPSA requirements stated above. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.


      The deadline for applications is February 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm.


Portuguese Version link below
